YouTube on TV will show fewer breaks, but the commercials will be longer

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If you’ve been watching YouTube on your TV and noticed that the ads seem longer, there’s a reason for it. YouTube is making the commercials longer but says they will appear less often.

In a recent blog post, YouTube explained that it is trying to make the streaming service better for viewers and advertisers. They are testing some changes, including a countdown timer that could last up to 200 seconds in the corner of long video. These changes are happing worldwide.

YouTube’s research suggest that viewers prefer knowing how much time is left before they can skip the ad, rather than knowing the numbers of ads. So, soon you might see a countdown timer saying “skip in,” showing the time remaining before you can skip the ad, if you haven’t seen it already.

These changes are all about watching YouTube on your smart TV, whether it’s through the TV’s built-in-system or using popular streaming devices like Apple TV. Now, even short videos, will have ads on your TV. This new thing for big screens might make Shorts less interesting as quick, small video clips.

People around the world are watching YouTube Shorts on smart TV’s a whole lot more this year. But a big reason for this is that YouTubers have to include Shorts in their videos to stay visible on the platform.

Even though YouTube is keen to promote these advertising changes as” improvements” for both long and short videos on smart TVs, you’ll soon decide for yourself. Just be ready for a break that might feel a bit like watching old-fashioned cable or broadcast TV.

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These ad changes make the streaming service better for users, but there’s more to it They’re also trying to get more people to sign up for it’s Premium and are being strict with people using ad blockers.

Recently, YouTube started warning users who use ad blockers, saying it break the rules. They also increased the price of Premium and stopped offering a cheaper version called Premium Lite.

Now, watching YouTube on my Apple TV, the ads are longer, making it feel like regular TV. Before. I could skip ads in 5-10 seconds, but not anymore. Even though they say there are fewer ads breaks, But there are the longer ads several times in some videos. YouTube doesn’t say how much linger this make the total time we spend watching ads.

So, during the Christmas holidays, be prepared to see longer ads on YouTube, unless you decide to try YouTube Premium and its new features with artificial intelligence.

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