YouTube Land on Apple Vision Pro Without Google’s help

YouTube Vision Pro

Greetings to Juno!

This week, people are talking a lot about the apps you can use on the Apple Vision Pro. Some developers who aren’t from Apple are making new apps to fill in any missing ones.

According to MacRumors, a person named Christian Selig made a special YouTube app for the Vision Pro, and it’s called Juno for YouTube. It’s the only YouTube app on the headset because Google hasn’t made one.

This app costs 4.99, and it does cool things. You can change the size and position of the video, and make the area around the video a bit darker to feel like you’re in a virtual movie theater in mixed reality.

As we’re aware, Google has clearly mentioned that it currently doesn’t have intentions to create a YouTube app for the Vision Pro, right now, the only authorized method to access YouTube on the Apple headsets is by using Safari.

An app could be available for that

Vision Pro

When the Vision Pro first came out, people were worried if there would be enough apps. But now, there’s some relief because more than 600 apps are on their way, even though the current choices are not that many.

One cool thing is Adobe’s Firefly AI app for mixed reality. With it, you can create pictures using artificial intelligence based on whatever you type. I’s like magic – you see the results right in front of you.

But, some big apps like Netflix, Spotify, and Google are missing. YouTube is there, but you can’t expect other versions for Netflix or Spotify from other developers.

Not Many people have the Apple Vision Pro yet, and this is making app creators think if they should make stuff for it. But from what we’ve seen, it’s seen, it’s probably going to become more popular real quick.


What is the use of Vision Pro?

The Apple Vision Pro is a special headset that does two awesome things. First, it’s a virtual-reality (VR) headset with a super clear screen – better than many others. Second, it has cameras for augmented reality (AR). These cameras let you see regular computer apps hanging in the air, and you can play with them using your hands.

Can you wear Apple Vision Pro with glasses?

 You can’t wear Apple Vision Pro while wearing eyeglasses. If you need vision correction, you can purchase ZEISS Optical Inserts. Third-party lens solutions for Apple Vision Pro aren’t supported, and might impact your experience.

What is the weight of the Apple Vision Pro?

21.2-22.9 ounces (600—650 g)

Also, the weight changes based on how the Light Seal and headband are set up. The battery alone weighs 353g.

Is it possible to play video games on the Apple Vision Pro?

Boot your gaming experience on the Apple Vision Pro, you’ll discover games in the App Store, including a specially chosen set in Apple Arcade (subscription needed). These games use cool spatial effects to make it seem like you’re right in the middle of the action.

Why is Vision Pro so expensive?

The Vision Pro’s expensive cost is because of the production expenses and the early focus on professionals, like developers, who can make the product better with more apps, according to analysts. Ben Bajarin from the research firm Creative Strategies said, “It’s a very early product.”

Is the Vision Pro worth buying?

It’s super speedy in processing—like, really, really fast, “Ihantko mentioned. He clarified that the Vision Pro tricks you into feeling like you’re actually there and moves quickly enough to keep up, making users fully immersed in the virtual world.

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