Start Vacuum with a Kick: Introducing Ecovacs’ Deebot T30 Pro Omni with Foot Toch Control

Ecovacs Deebot T30 Pro Omni Vacuum

There are robot vacuum cleaner cleaners that only vacuum, other vacuum and mop, some even empty their dust bins and dirty-water tanks themselves, and still others get their mop pads washed and dried automatically too.

What do you do to make sure you stand apart in a crowded and very competitive robot vacuum cleaner market? You come up with features you won’t find elsewhere. And that’s exactly what Ecovacs Robotics has done with its latest Deebot.

Ecovacs has changed the robot vacuum market with its new Deebot T30 Pro Omni. This new model has a special “kick-to-start” feature called Foot Touch Control, when docked, a gentle kick is all it takes to start the device, letting it clean you floor by itself.

Interesting Features of Deebot T30 Pro Vacuum

The Ecovacs Deebot T30 Pro Omni vacuum cleaner has a very impressive list of features, and what excites me the most is the kick-to-start feature, which I haven’t seen on any other robot vacuum.

Ecovacs calls it Foot Touch Control, but a simple touch won’t work. As long as the T30 is charging in its dock (also known as idling), you can give it a good kick – literally to make it start up.

 of course, the startup process of some time, with the mop pads first being cleaned and moistened, and only then does the T30 Pro Omni roll out of its dock and start vacuuming and mopping at the same time.

Kicking the robot only works in this case – you cannot get it to stop cleaning the same way. This is to make sure it doesn’t confuse any bumps against furniture and stop by mistake, then go to the self-cleaning charging dock.

Deebot T30 Pro Omni Vacuum

While the kick-to-start feature is my favorite, there are many other upgrades here that could make the T30 Pro Omni a good investment if you are looking for a full-featured robot vacuum cleaner.

It comes with advanced mapping and obstacle avoidance, plus the bar brush has been redesigned to avoid tangles. The bristles are softer, and there is a comb just inside the opening that cleans away hair and fur as the brush turns.

Ecovacs promised that the T30 Pro Omni will do a better job mopping corners than any of its competition, thanks to the new extendable mop pads. These extend out automatically when needed, as there are sensors on the robot to detect room edges and furniture legs, then retract back when it begins to move to a more open part of a room.

The mop pads go up by 9mm to avoid carpets and rugs, but the real space underneath is only about 5-7mm. This might not be enough to keep moisture off medium or high-pile-carpets. To fix this, Ecovacs improved the companion app so you can set up areas where the mop won’t go.

Greater Strength in Compact form

The sucking power has been increased, going up to a huge 11,000Pa – maybe one of the highest in the robot vacuum category. In regular mode, you can hardly hear it picking up dust and dirt – the T30 Pro Omni vacuum cleaner is very quiet, doing its job without bothering you. It’s so quite that, during a demo, it was doing both, and I couldn’t tell from the noise. Even when it’s going full speed, it’s not that loud – well not as loud as you did expect with 11,000Pa, and that’s a good thing.

Deebot T30 Pro Omni

Some robot vacuums before – like Deebots – didn’t being moved; it often messed up their navigation even with a saved map. But with the T30 Pro Omni, lifting it makes it clean a specific spot. You can set this up in the app, or just pick it up, place it where needed, and it will clean a 1.5 sqm area around that spot, no questions asked.

Even better, Ecovacs made the whole unit smaller – the dock with its dust bag and water tank – by about 30% compared to the Deebot X2 Omni. If you have space under a counter, you could easily hide it away.

Enhanced Command of your Vacuum Robot

Deebot T30 Pro Omni Vacuum

If you are thinking about getting a T30 Pro Omni, you won’t have to deal with setting up WiFi like before. Ecovacs says their new Bluetooth Quick Pairing will get you going in no time.

Their voice assistant, Yiko, got better and can understand more commands now. Plus, Yiko can save up to three maps, iPhone users get a new home-screen widget, and you can control it with your Apple Watch using the Ecovacs Home app.

You might think all these big upgrades from the old Deebots would cost a lot but Ecovacs is selling the white T30 Pro Omni with the Yiko voice assistant, which is the same price as the T20 Omni in 2023. If you don’t need to talk to the bot, you can pick the black one.

Right now, the T30 Pro Omni is only announced for Australia. You can but it from Ecovacs AU and some authorized sellers, but soon it will be available for UK. We don’t know the price yet.

For now, the T30 Pro Omni vacuum cleaner won’t be sold in the US. Instead, Americans can get the T30S Combo, which has a handheld part along with the robovac. It costs $1,999.99 and you can buy it from Ecovacs US and Amazon.

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