Lenovo Project Crystal: The Most Stylish Computer of The Year You Might Barely Notice

Lenovo Project Crystal

Lenovo project Crystal stands out as a potential in the realm of transparent laptops, offering a unique and captivating experience.

At the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain, Projector Crystal distinguishes itself by incorporating a transparent screen and a keyboard with either transparent or glass surface. While it doesn’t achieve full transparency. The Substantial ThinkBook undoubtedly stand out with its unique design elements.

Instead of a dark Lenovo ThinkPad like frame, there is a big glass area that lights up when you open the laptop. Lenovo explained it’s clear screen made of tiny LEDs stuck between two tough glass panels with clear glue. It reminded me of a see-through screen Samsung showed at CES 2024.

Lenovo Laptop keypad view

Even though you can see through 55% of it, the picture on the Windows 11 system looked really clear and colorful. The big clear Screen sits on top of a special glass keyboard that seems to glow because of some special designed pattern. There is a big flat pad you can touch and when you touch it the system unlocked, and we can use the Project crystal just like a normal Windows laptop.

Naturally, who would find this laptop useful, and what advantage does a screen that display the opposite of what you are looking at on its back?

Lenovo executives clarified that although this laptop is not ready for sale or widespread use yet, they imagine that transparent laptop display could improve teamwork. Rather than always turning your laptop display around to show other what you are doing, they, could just look at the back of the screen and see the opposite view, which might still be useful.

Lenovo Laptop back side

It also makes it easier to work and be with others. Your partner doesn’t have to ask what you are looking at anymore; they can just look at the back of your computer.

But there is even more! Lenovo project Crystal has cleverly integrated a camera into the back of the laptop, allowing it to see and understand what’s behind it. Then, using the powerful AI onboard it can analyze the surrounding and if you wish introduce some augmented reality magic onto the transparent screen. So, when you peer through the screen. You will witness a fascinating blend of the augmented reality and the real world around you. For example, if there were some flowers behind the screen, the system could bring to life an AR butterfly gracefully fluttering around them, adding a touch of enchantment to your workspace.

Lenovo Laptop side view

Lenovo believes that official AI could learn how you type Even if you are not hitting the exact keys, but just near them, the AI might understand what you are trying to type on your unique typing style.

Lenovo also thinks they can make the micro-LED screen even better, with higher resolution up to 2-to-3K, while still keeping it clear so you can see through it.

And here’s something else to consider not everyone want others to see through what they are working on all the time. So, Lenovo is working on feature that lets users decide how see-through they want the back of their laptop to be. You will have control over how much you want other to see.

Lenovo Project Crystal ThinkBook doesn’t offer much practically. It’s quite large, the transparent glass display seems fragile unlikely to survive a fall. Moreover, if it ever hits the market as a product, it’s expected to be very costly.

Additionally, while the concept is intriguing there are concerns about its durability and usability in real world scenarios. Given its current stat, significant improvements would be needed to make it a viable option for customers.

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