iOS 17.4 is Here: Features, Updates and Everything we Know so Far

iOS 17.4

Just a bit more than a month after iOS 17.3 came out, iOS 17.4 is here. This new version has some really big changes, especially for people in the EU. Now, iPhone owners in the EU can do things like use other app stores besides the one from Apple.

Table of Contents

Even if you are not in the EU, there is loads to check out in iOS 17.4. We have listed six of the biggest features below, covering both the major changes for folks in the EU and stuff that everyone can enjoy.

And if you are not sure how to get iOS 17.4, it’s super easy. Just go to Settings, then tap on General, and finally, hit Software Update. You will see the new update ready and waiting for you there.

Apple Cash: Virtual Card Number

iOS 17.4 Virtual card numbers for Apple Cash

If you can’t use Apple Pay on your iPhone, the new iPhone 17.4 update has something good for you. Now, you can make a pretend card number to shop online. it’s like having a secret online card that you can use with Safari’s AutoFill feature. You can also type Virtual card number from the wallet app.

This virtual card number is tied to Apple Cash, acting like a debit card. It means you can only spend the money you actually have. No overspending.

The idea behind this feature is to make online shopping sager. See, scammers won’t easily do something with your card number and go on a shopping. You can shop online with more peace of mind.

New app distribution changes for the EU

The major highlight of iOS 17.4 is the new ability to download apps from different stores, not just Apple’s own. This change is specifically for users in the EU due to recent legal changes there.

Also, not only do you need to set your account to an EU country, but also have to physically be in the EU to access these alternative stores, However, Apple mentions that if you are taking a short trip outside the EU, you can still use them. This added requirement is likely aimed at preventing users from outside the EU from finding ways to bypass these regulations.

EU residents can now get web browsers that uses different engines, unlike other places where all iOS browsers are basically the same as Safari. When you first use Safari, you can pick which browser you want to use.

Some apps in the App Store in the EU now let you pay in different ways, but this is only for people in EU.

In An Apple press release highlights significant updates tailored for the EU, which are pretty big. These changes introduce options like different app stores and payment methods, along with a bunch of other stuff:

  • New tools and API’s allow developers to make their iOS apps available for download from other app stores.
  • Developers who run marketplaces can install apps and handle updates for other developers using their own marketplace app.
  • Developers can now use different browser engines, instead of just WebKit, for apps that involve browsing or have in-app browsing features.
  • Developers can ask for more ways to work with iPhone and iOS features by sending in extra requests.

New safety features for Apps

New safety features for apps are introduced to reduce the dangers Apple mentions when downloading apps from sources other than App Store.

App Installation Sheets

Use data from the Notarization process to show quick descriptions of apps and what they do before you download them. This includes info like who made the app, pictures, and other important stuff.

Notarization for iOS Apple Apps

All apps, no matter where it comes from, goes through a basic check to keep the platform safe and protect users. Notarization uses both automated checks and checks and human review.

Authorization for Developers on Marketplaces

Ensures marketplace developers adhere to ongoing requirements aimed at safeguarding users and developers.

Enhanced Safety against Malware

New safety update stops iOS from opening if they are discovered to have malware after being installed on a user’s device.

New Emoji’s

Here’s something everyone can enjoy iOS 17.4 introduce lots of new emoji, such as mushroom, phoenix, lime, broken chain, and shaking heads emoji. Additionally, you can now turn 18 existing people and body emoji to face in either direction.

Podcasts Transcription Services

In iOS 17.4 there is a new feature in Apple Podcasts called transcripts. These are like written versions of podcast episodes, available in English, Spanish, French or German. With transcripts you can read along with what’s being said in the episode.

Also, you can search the transcript for specific words or phrases. If you are looking for something particular that was said in the podcast, you can easily find it. Plus, once you find what you are looking for, you can start playing the episode from that exact point. This could be super helpful when you want to go back to a specific part of an episode without listening to the whole thing again.

Enhanced Security for Stolen Devices

Improved Stolen Device Protection

In iOS 17.4, there is a new update for the stolen Device Protection feature. Now, you can set up a security delay everywhere, not just when you are in unfamiliar places. This means there is a waiting time before you can change certain security settings on your device, which can help keep your information safe, even if your device gets stolen.

Battery Health & Use Count

Apple already lets you check you iPhone’s battery health. But if you have an iPhone 15 models with iOS 17.4, you can now see more details about your phone battery. This includes how many times it has been charged, when it was made, and when it was first used.

Siri AI Enhancement

Siri AI also got a little bit smarter with iOS 17.4, now, you can have it read your messages in any language it understand without changing Siri’s main language. So, if you want your message read in a different language, you can do that easily.

Security Updates for iOS 17.4

The new iOS 17.4 updates has some security fixes. Apple talked about four of them affecting Accessibility, Kernel, RTKit, and Safari Private Browsing. They said there will be more updates soon, likely when macOS 14.4. For Kernel and RTKit, Apple knows there is a report that says someone might have exploited these issues. There will be more security Updates future in iOS 18

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